A Book Of Word Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

A Book Of Word

Any book
of glad tidings for humankind
is surely welcomed by all of humankind.
Do any of you profess to have knowledge
of such a book? And, if so, how does this
book look? HaHa; as if books can look!
Okay then, how does this book read?
Another quite illogical question for
books do not read themselves!
And, as I, have opened up a big ole
can of worms, with this last sentence
for books are innate; therefore, a book
is an it… not a ‘them' or ‘self' or ‘soul'…
Mayhaps, this is where all of humanity
become led astray from any ‘word' be
it from another human being, or be it
supposedly from ‘that guy'! and that
‘word'; supposedly was ‘fingered' in stone!
An imaginable story told for many hundreds
of generations; until the ‘truth' became so-so!
Laser technologies accomplish the same task
without all of the ‘Wizard of Oz' dramatics!
Whoa! Hold up there partner! Point of Order
please! Objections, objections, objects, subjects
suspects, rejects and excess H2S releases; so many
abject intents and why the heck all of this abstract?
Because, life is way too short, to allow any laughable
human endeavour to go on unchecked! As in each of
you, ‘best check yourselves'! So, in every good read
there appears to be; an objective? Why force this?
Why not simply have a disclaimer on the less tame
and more so inflammatory publications? Or simply
express that this ‘infomercial' is strictly for your
entertainment purposes only and only so much
demagoguery otherwise! So, a ‘Book of Word'
not plural, for words are generally misspoken
misinterpreted, mistreated, and thoroughly
hated… depending upon ‘whom' or ‘those'
that are speaking ‘them'! Let us fact check
this… Have you ever had someone ‘misquote'
you? If not then you do not speak, read, or write
often enough, to have enough written stuff to be
noticed as to it being spoken! So then, answer this
question… Why did ‘God' do anything? Yea! Do you
get my drift? None of you out there, have witnessed
God, doing anything! Not one! Even more stupefying is
this fact. Not one of you, in a few breaths and dozens of
heartbeats, without pause and reflection; can name any
group of principals or pals of, or one of the figureheads
of, any ‘commercialized religion'! ! ! And should you suggest
that IAM incorrect and that ‘God' keeps you in his fob pocket
then and there I call ‘BULL STOOL'! Tell me why you, yes you
were placed here on this particular ‘space pebble', and why
you are so special as to purport to have an exclusive
networked connection to ‘The Big Guy'?

Sunday, February 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophical
Error Success