A Child's World Poem by AHO Speaks

A Child's World

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For a child God is really two
To reside in me and to reside in you.

A Mother who is loving, soft and caring
One who is blest with the word we need, called sharing.
A Father who is the protective shield against intrusion of fear or pain
The one who speaks the accusatory phrase; 'not again'.

A Mother organizes and makes the rules for play
To establish ground rules and punishment she does say
Then the beginning of each day getting ready for school
The other world of organization and the golden rule.

The Father to hug and hold
So strong and good looking and so bold.
Teenage years so mysterious and new
The meaning of love takes on a new hue.

A flash of emotion and you can't wait to go steady
Then you find out you and boys; just are not ready..
High school and your book cover filled with male names
Mother said its too early and to make no claims.

Father said not to trust but to put faith in boys
You'll grow out of them; just like your toys.
Then to college and you get your priorities straight.
Finally know when to come home after a date.

After college a few years to find a career
Then a handsome young man starts to call you dear.
Finally your day has arrived and your all dessed in white.
Beauty of beauty, just like your Mother; 'a wonderous sight'..

Now this list will pass on to you and yours
For the gift of gifts, from your God to you; as a loving cause.
I save the last sentence for it is the best
In a few short years; your children will be living; in another nest..

02-13-06 Aho Speaks

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