A Christian Poetess Poem by Denis Martindale

A Christian Poetess

Behold, a Christian poetess,
Seeking the ultimate good,
Not just the feel-good, right now.
One who cares, dares, shares
And says her prayers,
Acknowledging the purposes
Patience keeps secret for a season,
Its legacy to unfold later,
To be revealed in the fullness of time...

For her, love isn't a sport or game,
Played upon the heartstrings,
Meant for subtleties and follies.
She is so much more than today's woman,
For she thinks with an eternal mind,
Borne of passion, poetry and inspiration
And words of comfort nestle in her heart,
Fastened there, to abide forever.

To her, Christ is the King of Love
And she is but the handmaiden,
Chosen by grace, indwelt by love.
May she hold on to her heart
And treat it with tenderness,
For the blood that flows there
Brings remembrance of the divine
And the wisdom enriching her mind
Is like that of refined gold...

Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.

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