A Fresh Flower For God! Poem by Ramesh T A

A Fresh Flower For God!

Rating: 3.5

He is standing alone most of the time;
God wants him to stand alone so;
Perhaps He wants him to be with Him
And He will take him with Him soon.

Mostly all leave him alone often;
They approach him if they need;
They forget even to invite for function!
Otherwise nobody thinks about him.

Everyone’s eye is on him always;
He has become a model to many;
Everyone is jealous of each of his move
And his home is a glass abode to all!

He has to think about all socially;
Personally he has nothing to dream.
His private life is same as public life
And he has become an open book!

He cannot confide his feelings to anyone;
And nobody also will believe his grievance!
He is placed in a high pedestal
And everyone believes he has royal life!

He has to be careful about his glass abode;
Just single stone is enough to break it!
He has to be prepared for any test
And there is no respite in this world.

Nature, poetry and music help forget himself;
To free himself he writes poetry often
And forgets himself in the world of poetry
Enjoying sublime pleasure for divine liberty!

World is full of bad, worse and worst beings;
Also it is full of good, better and best beings.
God segregates best and filters out worst
And He plucks away best as fresh as flowers!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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