A Friendly Plea Is What Most Would Fight To Disagree Poem by Christina Ramirez

A Friendly Plea Is What Most Would Fight To Disagree

How do you do it?
Make me seem so small to the point that I can't split.

To slap me across the face even when your not here
I bet this isn't the first time that someone has been so sincere.

You tossed them away like garbage and now I'm resting where they used to be
Because unlike me they got the point and left the debris

And moved away from what seemed like forever
and took with them your gift of being clever.

So now I tip my hat off to you for making me feel so dumb
And leave you with the desire, but not the ability to succumb.

Do you judge me with what others say?
Listen intently to the one side and then cast me astray?

Have you no morals bounded deep within that soul?
Or is just acting nice and playing right, just a side role?

I had a better insight with the days gone by, knowing that you were the nicest person that no money could buy. And now the simplest comment, brings in no reply.

If a sorry is what's needed then let me scream it or shout it
I'll say it as serious as need be, without the smallest ounce of my literal wit.

But let me say once and for all
Whether it be forgotten or one day be recalled

I miss those days that have left us with nothing
And the memories that the future days will bring

But I'm tired of waiting for you to say hi
That by the time you come around to it, I'm afraid I'll just end up saying goodbye.

So I'll end my friendly pleas and let this thing run around free.

And hope that in the end a friend is what you'll find in me.

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