A Gift From Prometheus To Mankind Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

A Gift From Prometheus To Mankind

Rating: 5.0

In Greek Mythology there are many legends,
written about the cruelty, vindictiveness of the gods.

Zeus and the other gods in their petty jealousy,
rivalry often punished, sacrificed men like pawns.

Before the rule of Olympian Gods other Gods ruled.
These were the powerful Titans, the mighty elder gods.

Prometheus was the noblest of the sons of Uranus and Gaia.
Titans all three! Prometheus an arch-rebel and friend to man!

Prometheus belonged to the powerful race of Titans!
The powerful Titans, were cousins to the Olympian Gods,
whose constant hostility to man, Prometheus opposed!

Prometheus gave the wondrous gift of fire to man!
Hearing of this, in a rage Zeus, ordered Prometheus,
seized punished imprisoned; bound by steel chains!

Prometheus was bound to a rock!
On a mountain peak, in the Caucasus,
mountains at the edge of a stream!

Near an Ocean in a place where it snows perpetually!
Where the wind ever howls ceaselessly,
because he had given a gift, mighty fire to mortal man!

Prometheus was sentenced to spend eternity!
Suffering miserably chained to a rocky crag,
with two vultures hovering, near tormenting him!

These two vultures cruelly feasted upon man’s!
Titan friend Prometheus! Tearing at,
his meal exposed belly; eating his living liver!

The ancient Greeks had another version of this,
cruel torture, in which an eagle, the offspring of;
Echidan and Typhon, eats his flesh encased liver!

The great terror of this raw tragedy, is that immediately
after, the eagle eats, consumes Prometheus’
liver; his liver would continually renew itself overnight!

Zeus would always cruelty vindictively!
Send this eagle every day!
To gnaw at, poor prisoner Prometheus’

liver, which is eaten in agony!
But would grow whole again!
Every night because Prometheus!

Being a Titan was immortal!

This story is amazing but merely a myth!

A true story about a real
all powerful God a real immortal,
is a miracle, proving our
Creator’s, love for his humanity!

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Indira Babbellapati 22 June 2010

gods of greek mythology intrigue us with their human qualities...prometheus, unbound!

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Marieta Maglas 18 June 2010

You write with creative zeal. Praise for your gifted pen.

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Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 17 June 2010

For me great learning of rich Greek Mythology…evils and vices are ever concurred curbed by the device of nobility and righteousness … the morale stay virtuous and be invincibly armed by God’s strength...Thanks Big Bro [B-2] Ms. Nivedita UK 10/10

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Kieran J96 15 June 2010

OMG, this is really good and i am suprised you have heard of the titans and prometheus cos no one else has...

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