A Greeting To 'Lead Kindly Light' Poem by Smrithi Padmakumar

A Greeting To 'Lead Kindly Light'

Rating: 3.0

I still remember the lines of the poem 'Lead Kindly Light' written by John Henry Newmann because it was the prayersong of my old school
where I had studied for 10 years (1995-2005) .This poem is a greeting to my old school from where I gathered the first treasure of Knowledge!

My soul is silent,
My mind is algid-
It seems that it drowns-
to the deep woods of
'memories'-I make out!

My words-being unable
to reflect its touch,
shower its beauty!

They were the moments
I spent in my School,
where my mind still resides

The pulse of the wind there
still murmurs, to me!

'Love'-Jesus's message
'Pray'-my Sisters' advice
'Think'-my Guru's words
'Work'-my Teachers' manthra

If I dare to forget these,
it would darken my world further!

The lights which paved 'my way',
the words which brightened 'my aims',
the strength which discovered 'Me'!

And I'm sure-
they bestow blessings,
spread fragrance,
illuminate my path-'eternally'...

'Lead Kindly Light! '

2008 Feb

Gone with the wind 29 July 2008

Yep they all do so..for you have been such a nice student all through...this poem takes me back to the time when I came here from Roorkee...I had felt the same..it was horrible....yet the future ahead was even more bright...and I hope that its the same with you...I'm going to miss my whole school life....take care Love Gul

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Jun Insigne 27 July 2008

My soul is silent, , , , , , , , , , , nicely written, , , , , , , , , , , good poem, , ty.

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Kesav Easwaran 25 July 2008

good and worthy rememberance...well done smrithi 10

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Smrithi Padmakumar

Smrithi Padmakumar

Kerala, India
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