A Higher Standard Poem by Lindsay King

A Higher Standard

you leave me defeated
you leave me undefended
lying here broken hearted
someday it could be mended
but for now I'll sit here
and ask myself
if memories can be erased
I held you to a higher standard
all the while I was being replaced
when words of forever
only mean maybe
to think that I could ever
find a way to save me
from this plighting misery
she holds you up to a higher standard
only, it seems this time you abide
I sit alone in my room
getting ready to cry
the broken simplicity
that you chose her over me
you hold her as you fall asleep
saying things I don't wanna know
is she everything you need,
and watch it 'til you grow old?
-I think it's all empty promises
she's fooled if she believes
thinking you're a man she can trust
she can just sit back and watch you leave
-for other interests and new excuses
oh, the things you'll make up
and all along you knew it
when the going gets tough,
you get going
leaving loved ones abandoned
yet all the time knowing:
your forever is temporary
your interests are fleeting
no one can hold you up to a higher standard,
you're no one worth keeping.

Lindsay King

Lindsay King

Thousand Oaks, CA
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