A Loss Of Something (Second Part) Poem by Bryan Norton

A Loss Of Something (Second Part)

By the way, my name is Jean, Jean Decker
And this is my story... if you can take it
My husband Reggie and I, along with our children, Markie,8 and Stu,6
Purchased an old country home located on 16 private acres

Ever since we arrived, the surrounding countryside
Much like we imagined, is green, and gorgeous, in every respect
Most of the property consists of large fields in every direction
Which eventually fade into a small but welcome forest

It is there that the kids are most likely to be found
Cutting through the fresh, surrounding pasture grass
And disappearing, slowly but surely, into the trees
A most extraordinary, personal playground for the kids

At the same time, I've noticed in both children
A certain aloofness, which never existed before
Like a flame, once burning, now wanting
Yet still they clamor to play outside

When the children come home, in the twilight hour
They return always later than previously
Exhausted, irritable, and tight lipped
Ready for bed and an early release tomorrow

Nightly, the darkness falls like a deep, mysterious hand
Covering our home and crushing us in its grip
Suffocating the life out of us
And sometimes, just after midnight...

Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: mystery
Bryan Norton

Bryan Norton

Napa, California
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