A Man's True Worth Poem by Chris Embrick

A Man's True Worth

A man's worth's no greater than his word
His steadfast answer sets him apart
With and honest man truth's never blurred
His conscience guiding, leads his heart

His steadfast answer sets him apart
From wisdom his wealth for life is gleaned
His conscience guiding, leads his heart
There's right and wrong no inbetween

From wisdom his wealth for life is gleaned
He never gives less than he takes
There's right and wrong no inbetween
His covenant of honor none can break

He never gives less than he takes
He lives peaceful, avoiding strife
His covenant of honor none can break
Out of his heart flow the issues of life

He lives peaceful, avoiding strife
With and honest man truth's never blurred
Out of his heart flow the issues of life
A man's worth's no greater than his word.

Monday, August 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: conscience,honesty,trust,wisdom,words
Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 August 2018

A profound piece of art beautifully crafted and well executed. Liked the form you used, it makes this poem powerful and beautiful. 10++++and on to my Poem List.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 August 2018

What a wonderful poem full of wisdom. This should be put in our hearts and shall be guided by these beautiful lines set forth in this marvelous write. Yes, a true man never gives less than he takes. There's right and wrong, no in between. Beautiful lines from a beautiful poem.

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Chris Embrick

Chris Embrick

Commerce, Georgia
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