A Man Said To The Universe: Poem by Stephen Crane

A Man Said To The Universe:

Rating: 2.9

A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."

Dawn Fuzan 15 May 2014

Stephen I like your uneque style.

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Richard Weisdorf 04 February 2016

Does the universe owe us anything? No one stated it more succinctly and eloquently.

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Charles Maxwell 27 February 2018

I read this poem decades ago as a college kid seeking meaning in life... I kept a copy in my wallet ever since... It has made all the difference in my life...now, my son keeps a copy in his wallet! it's the best teacher of self sufficiency!

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Dennis Richards 01 December 2018

Is it the most cynical or the most life-affirming statement ever? Either way, I've spent fifty years with it rattling around in my head.........but it won't go away. Neither should it.

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Dorothy- A. Holmes 15 November 2015

One of my favorite verses! Posted for my Great Grand Sons on their wall! Dorothy Alves Holmes A Poet Who Loves To Sing

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If one does not consider GOD as the universe, then there is no sense of obligation >

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Savita Tyagi 19 April 2020

Read this wonderful poem again after a long time. The attitude of the man and the Universe has not changed a bit!

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Dominic Windram 13 April 2020

Wonderfully concise poem..witty, yet deeply profound.

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chris 03 April 2019

what poetic term did Crane use in " A Man Said to the Universe"

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Savita Tyagi 14 March 2019

Well said. We may feel our importance but Universe is under no obligation to even acknowledge it.

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