A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
Does the universe owe us anything? No one stated it more succinctly and eloquently.
I read this poem decades ago as a college kid seeking meaning in life... I kept a copy in my wallet ever since... It has made all the difference in my life...now, my son keeps a copy in his wallet! it's the best teacher of self sufficiency!
Is it the most cynical or the most life-affirming statement ever? Either way, I've spent fifty years with it rattling around in my head.........but it won't go away. Neither should it.
One of my favorite verses! Posted for my Great Grand Sons on their wall! Dorothy Alves Holmes A Poet Who Loves To Sing
If one does not consider GOD as the universe, then there is no sense of obligation >
Read this wonderful poem again after a long time. The attitude of the man and the Universe has not changed a bit!
Well said. We may feel our importance but Universe is under no obligation to even acknowledge it.
Stephen I like your uneque style.