A Mother's Pain Poem by JoAnn McGrath

A Mother's Pain

It was much easier when you were young
Boo boos and scraped knees
A clean-up, a kiss
Back out the door pleased
Run back in for a hug
Proud of your bugs

Now it's a fight with a friend
Feelings are hurt
You don't want to talk
I'm no longer the expert

You might be surprised
I've been there before
I was once young
I've seen lots and more

Don't shut me out if it rains
It's a mother's pain

(7 July 2007)

Sandra Fowler 12 July 2007

Those eloquent last lines say it all. I would guess you are a Mom more than worthy of the name. Very touching, JoAnn. Warmest regards, Sandra

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Original Unknown Girl 11 July 2007

JoAnn, this is so sad but also sweet aswell, I hope one day I can be there for my daughter but am pretty sure I'll suffer the same little arguments and set-to's that mums and kids do all around the world. So long as she knows you're there, that's the most important part, for sure. Lovely piece - thanks for sharing! HG: -) xx

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David Harris 07 July 2007

JoAnn, know the experience here. Have been though it with our own daughter. On and off caring from her. Sad reflection of our times I'm afraid. Lovely poem none the less and thanks for sharing it my friend. Top marks, but you keep the counter at bay. David

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