A Mountain Goat Poem by Naveed Khalid

A Mountain Goat

Not yore battered things can e'er illumine two ingots of burning gold; o'ershadow'd by a jewel hung aloft the ghastly night, beside the oak the setting sun at my door is oft eclipsed by worn-out time for seventy long winters be still thy fair lamb in November that by love I define what is hid from beauty of his grace the reality of the mind, a man in human form divine, his tress of golden hair by day's toil more bright such darling insights to thee suffice where least I find his own personna among stars of the next generation most abounds in the celestial realms; so fairly lost scope of days that are gone at the pedestal of thy throne, God! against past woe's deceased frame for a hundred shadows by thy grove, breaks the first light at dawn through the staircase window of thine holy eyen; e'ery looking glass that shows not half thy part in abundance of thy most high deserts, of blood and mire our Lord in manger, tricked out of some fault lines; not least be worthy of thy perusal to tell thee of my woes, opes a garden unto Erin's gate her night-long love upon the sand dunes like to the lark at break of day arise, arise sentinels of first frost her falling snow by the hedgerow of a cottage-hill, my age-old love, a soft fleece to gather from his solemn mien in black and white, a furr coat of tweed, buttons glossy, his cowboy hat on knees in ruffled feathers, shook off his head small minions of soring thumb impressions at the green knoll, a broccoli, among hades grow wild flowers in my bed of crimson joy; her interlocked assumptions by the western isle needs no witness in thy name too dear for want of word my son! let that picture be put aside except for the common eye: outshines in white bier to brave this day of starry wheel the nightsky round the clock, the eagle on wings in silent hours of soliloquy still musing o'er the dale with such stepping stones at the foot of thy craggs, O sea! no dark that by dark bewails santa's mini skirt of a dragon skin at clover-beach; ovid's veneral amorous in deep sorrows, unbridled from her rhyming feet in mud a horse-shoe in the stable lay barefooted; somewhere near the nineveh, a cyprus boat is sailing away from high heavens beyond the sun rise, tall pine trees in the rainforest by the bridge of long ago, grow and wither in time's waste down the lane in amberwoods, lies burried with me thy haggard bones of cut-out heart for a mural, father! you have me all eating bagpies in blue-stockings, a bewitching spell of poetry to caste out the fedora of yore dream, ah, this world by day's divide, by nights weave a snare of the unseen that in thy presence alone e'ery groaning heart feeds upon nurslings of immortality, my shipwrecked mortal house of clay along the pavement of cow parsley unto my decaying form abide: clay and wattle-made thistles by the stream to eternal bliss in waking hour, birds maestro sing! from off thy ancient lyre in season's breathless rhyme, above the archway, hangs a golden bough on top of Darien peak; yet far from the maddening crowd motanna, missouri, denver hills of snowflakes hide from eternals marsh-mellows of hazel nuts in haystack of woods, buds of may break e'ery fig leaf in autumn thy book that canopy of a hut, of laurel wreath thy myrtle crown that wears his head under the Archangel's brow of heart so cold and numb.38

(C) Naveed Khalid
Copy Rights (C) 2012
All Rights Reserved.
Dated created: September,11,2012
* Poem revised and re-written on Saturday 07, April 2022 4: 29 and futher more, reshuffled the lines a number of times to bring out the best of what I have on mind.
* Last revised on Monday 04, July 2022 at 04: 01 pm
* 2nd last revised on Monday 11, July 2022 at 11: 01 am
* Third time revised on Wednesday 24, August 2022 at 6: 11 pm
* Fourth time revised on Saturday 03, September 9 2022 at 15: 01 pmg
* Fifth time revised on Saturday 17, September 9 2022 at 01: 11 pm
* Sixth time revised on Monday 19, September 9 2022 at 15: 28 pm
Title revised: from A Mountain Goat To A God Case

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