A Night In The Hood (1) (Original) Poem by Melvina Germain

A Night In The Hood (1) (Original)

Another night without sleep, thoughts racing through my mind,
forehead steeped in glistening drops of perspiration. Peering
through my window in the darkness, feeling the cool night air
seep under the window sill. Noticing the streets below, the hussel
and bussel of the night hawks, as they scatter about aimlessly. Ahh
raindrops falling casting artistic images about the windowpane,
creating an enormous cluster of delightful shapes and designs.

Wreck-less thoughts came alive as I picked up a pair of blue gene
pants, a red T shirt, my top hat and old running shoes, dressed for
the streets, a quick look in the mirror and off I went. At the bottom
of the stairs, sat old Mr. Green. Umbrella overhead, raindrops
splattering on top, puddles at the bottoms of his feet as he sat brazenly
in his work attire. Wearing sunglasses, a tattered plaid shirt, a ripped
straw hat and an old tin can held in his palm. As always I made my
usual donation. Happy as can be, he nodded his head with a smile on
his face and I skipped away, hands in my pockets, taking a stroll down
the avenue.

Ladies of the night, fake hair and boobs, out in droves, short leather
mini skirts, stiletto heels, drenched see thru tops, lace underwear and
garter belts, I smiled to myself and gave them a hey ya-all. I heard a
bold voice say, hey Eddie wanna have a good time, smiling and
nodding my head in apprehension, I continued down the avenue.

The flavor of the raindrops as they danced upon my face
was an intermingling of scents, the cars and buses, and above
ground trains, ahh let's not forget the passers by, drag queens
picturesque, men in pink suits with hats so fine, all blend
together for a taste of city wine.

I felt the warmth of the fired up drum with the rubby dubs
warming their hands and drinking brew, staring at me
with sunken eyes, weathered skin and large noses, they
had seen better days, but you know, they really just wanted
to be left alone and that's exactly what I did.

I noticed a couple of undesirables up ahead causing a commotion,
no turning back now I thought. What do we have here, hey man,
what you doin round here, you move on outta here now hear,
you got any money, I replied no man, I'm as broke as you, I was
gonna ask you for some and he laughed with that drunken
slurr, I thought to myself, hmmm harmless, they âre just drunks.

I saw a busker singing his heart out hoping for a few dollars and
I threw my dollar in the hat, up a ways was a tapper just tap dancing
to the beat of the streets. The clanging of the manhole covers
trampled by cars had their own sound, listen..... ta ta ta dute deh.
Ta ta ta dute..ta ta ta dute deh now clap your hands to the
beat ta ta ta dute deh clap clap, and his arms moving to the
beat as he smiled with those beautiful pearly whites, there ain
nothin like the blues of the street with a tapper in sync. he danced
for his audience. Again I left my donation in his container and his
smile grew larger as he pumped his step up a notch.

I moved on and noticed a brother standing against the
lamp post, he seemed as if he was glued to that post, I walked
slowly taking in the view. Why he held on to that post as if it
was his girlfriend and in slow motion he bent forward, slowly,
gracefully, while his left arm conducted an orchestra,
this guy was so high he continued to lean forward then
started to rise up again holding tightly onto the post with his
right arm and conducting his orchestra with his left.
I had to watch, why I ain ever seen anything quite so graceful
in all my years. Oh well, nothing I can do for this guy he's gone.
although very sad, I found some humor in it. What can you
do that's life on the avenue.

Well I think I've had enough of the nights scenery,
going home. On my way back nothing changed everything
remain the same. Buddy was still trying to find his way up that
lamp post in slow motion, the tapper was still tapping and the
ladies were looking worse than before. Mr. Green was having
a snooze as I quietly walked up the steps. Walked in my room
checked the time and off to bed. I thought to myself, every
time I can't sleep I'll take a walk down the avenue and be
truly grateful for this warm bed I have here. I rolled on my

side pulled the covers up over my head and closed my eyes,
while listening to the raindrops beat against my windowpane.
soothing, peaceful sound. Just another night in the hood.

Written by: Melvna Germain
Date: Oct.21,2008

This is in the original form, I totally revised this for the SpokenWord and have delivered it to audiences often.....
Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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