A Piece Of Pie From The Magic Capet! Poem by Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi

A Piece Of Pie From The Magic Capet!

Rating: 5.0

They like to weave an expensive fabulous carpet,
Procuring the threads of cotton clouds during sunset,
The colors are magic, change willingly as they invest,
Going through the gigantic factories, attached with gadgets,
They design it using the knowledge of computer scientists,
They speak in binary code with 124 bits of bus speed,
Then the slaves of the biomedical labs are summoned,
They arrive in their working coat, talk of germs that can stick to it,
Naza Scientists observe the actions through their telescopic GPS,
Poets around the world start to write imagining the beauty of it,
Parents enroll their children in the faculty of Textile engineering,
The heads of the states scratch their infested heads with tooth picks,
The clergies from the psycho analytical meat market worry a lot,
As if they weave the carpet big enough to carry away their pious loot,
The new millionaires own thousand square feet in the high rise,
The countries inflate the borrowing as if Gold is the God of currency,
The stocks are valued thousands times higher, people believe it,
When the carpet is collapsed during the rain of financial crisis,
Another group starts to weave a new carpet from the sunshine.

Akhtar Jawad 30 September 2014

A great poem having deep thoughts.

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