A Present Possession Poem by Gary James Smith

A Present Possession

Rating: 5.0

A Present Possession

A present possession Hallelujah!
I have eternal life
In the personhood of Jesus Christ
Who delivers me from strife
From the agony over my sin
Praise God I've been released
The remembrance of that deliverance
Causes praises to never cease

O how I love Him
The One who loved me so
To deem me worthy of His death
Over two thousand years ago
I was in His future
He had sure plans for me
And drew me by His Holy Spirit
To consider Calvary

Praise God I looked to that Lamb
That Lamb who for sinner's was slain
So impressed was I by His life
I repented and was born again
Now indwelt by His Spirit
I have Heaven on my mind
And try to make the gospel plain
To those who are Spiritually blind

Father give me favour please
To delight to do Your will
And many opportunities to share with others
The cause of Calvary's Hill
There's a Divine redemption
Available to every repentant heart
Come and be reconciled to God
He did the work...now do your part!

Faith...what a transaction!
Saving faith in Christ
We tallied up a list of sins
He paid our ransom price
And O what freedom was granted!
When He shed His blood for me
All my condemnation... gone!
Praise God for Calvary

Where's your heart my brother?
Are You trusting in that One
Who offers you eternal life
By believing on the Son
Take your will and will it!
Will it to believe!
Then join the Hallelujah brotherhood
Who eternal life have received!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright November 8 2020 11: 16 PM

Gary James Smith

Monday, November 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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