A Proud Groom's Wedding Ode! ! ! Poem by Stephen Price

A Proud Groom's Wedding Ode! ! !

Our little house, it’s got it all
But there’s not a grand garden, a pool – or even a hall
There’s no long drive with gates to impose
Just a little bit of front with some room for a rose

We have Archie the cat who’s always on the scrounge
And when he stretches out he’s the size of the lounge!
The stairs wind round like in a little dolls house
And there’s less room still when Archie brings in a mouse! ! !

The sofa for two it just about fits
And to fit the kitchen table I had to saw it to bits!
The old TV took up more space than was good
And if there was too much rain, our little house would float off in the flood!

But our little house, it has something more
And I notice it most as I walk in through the door
There’s a cozy warmth that greets me inside
And my love for this warmth I don’t want to hide

It’s like a glowing coal fire and a hot chocolate brew
A scarf round my neck to protect against flu
A hot bubbly bath that gently soothes at my bones
And makes me forget any troubles and moans

Yes our little house it’s got it all
But what is this something that makes me enthral
Yes it’s the beaming smile of the love of my life
Who I’m now proud to call - my good lady wife! ! !

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Stephen Price

Stephen Price

Stafford, England.
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