A Related Dialogue Between Two Recent Authors Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

A Related Dialogue Between Two Recent Authors

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A Related Dialogue between two recent authors
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
I continue in the thought out style of M.J. Lemon, the poet,
I recollected that my elder brother, Kiran S. Bettadapur's book from 2012
Was sitting on my portion of the bookshelf, a little bereft of attention,
As was my younger cousin by marriage, Nikil Saval's book from 2014;

My brother is a successful lawyer practising in India
And Nikil is an editor of a digital magazine
Kiran's book is titled Gita and the Art of Selling: Memoirs of a Sales Yogi
And Nikil's book is titled Cubed;

Kiran says: George Bernard Shaw wrote that you see things
And say ‘Why? ' but I dream of things that never were
And I say, ‘Why not? ';

As expressed by one of the characters in Office Space, and told by Nikil:
"Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day"
And as he paraphrased Rousseau: Man is born free but he is everywhere in cubicles;

Kiran has said: Motivation has been succinctly
Described as the art of getting people to do what you want them to do
Because they want to do it;

Nikil has written about AT&T: They cemented a zoning law
That would allow for "laboratories devoted to research, design
And/or experimentation;

Kiran has written: You don't have to be a prodigy to figure out
Success can be achieved if you only like what you are doing;

Nikil has written: Work was not a burden; it was freedom-
The road back to paradise;

And coming back to me, your poetess of this Ars Poetica plus Blank Verse
I would like to reiterate the fact that from time immemorial, mankind and womankind
Have desired money for their labour
As is the case with me
But being in paradise is a heaven sent opportunity.

A Related Dialogue Between Two Recent Authors
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