A Reminder Poem by Theresa Ann Moore

A Reminder

Your 1986 Thunderbird was meeting with resistance.
You needed a replacement to carry you the distance.
You bought a newer car with money saved and borrowed.
It enabled you to continue your cruise on the long road.

Your shiny 1993 Cougar was the answer to your want.
It had a new luster, even though it was not a debutante.
With a smile, you drove around like a carefree rover,
You had confidence that your travel troubles were over.

It wasn’t long before something seemed a little off.
The shifter was not cooperating and began to scoff.
It would not engage forward and reverse agreed not.
You tried hard to persuade; it was like a sabotage plot.

You prodded it until it got to the hospital for your cure…
After a chemo treatment, you were feeling a bit poor.
With a turn of the key the car was running, but immobile.
You had to call a friend for a ride after an adjourned trial.

The next day you called a tow truck to take it in for repair.
Soon the crisis would be under control and free from despair.
You went to bed that night with dreams of being in locomotion.
Morning came and you did not awake; you caused a commotion.

The coroner arrived, as the garage mechanic call to inform…
Tell Mr. Moore his can pick up his car, it is ready to perform.
The landlady said; 'I am sorry, Mr. Moore died during the night.'
After awkward silence, a voice of disbelief attempted to be polite.

'I am sorry for your loss, ' a soft sympathetic voice said.
After the arrangements, there was another chore to shed.
Your car is now dependable. It is waiting to be retrieved.
Tearfully a payment is made, as short memories are grieved.

Two days ago you were here, joking and enjoying being alive…
Your stranded vehicle is chauffeur back home on a lonely drive.
Your first son wants to maintain and keep your dreams gleaming.
Now when I see that car, I am reminded of your smile beaming…

JoAnn McGrath 16 April 2007

Thanks for sharing this Theresa.....It shows us how strong you are..if I could be only half of you I would be happy........ : O)

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Kelly Allen Vinal 16 April 2007

Wow, this is one deep, entrancing, and wonderful poem. Outstanding work, Theresa!

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