A Tale Of Two Hogs.. Poem by Manjeshwari P MYSORE

A Tale Of Two Hogs..

A dark night, the King of the Jungle, Lion sat in his Den, watching the brightest star
The balance of Life in the Jungle his prime task, thoughtful of times ahead, land afar

The Jungle was sleepy, most animals resting peacefully, without a sign of any harm
That silent night, two hogs re-entered the Jungle, escaping from nearby sewage farm

The Hogs came across a pack of Hyenas, made an offer to provide animals, a deal
If Hogs became King and Minister, Hyenas get a fine dozen a week, surplus meal

At Dawn, the hogs fooled and wooed the animals with their false tales of Heaven
The hogs promised to bring golden apples for all, make Jungle a replica of Heaven

Buffalo, Monkeys, Deer, Wolves, all animals swayed by the Hogs, fell into their cunning trap
Only the wise Tortoise knew something was wrong, stinky Hogs and their tales, loads of crap

That night Hyenas lifted a few sleeping young Deer, Hares, Boars, young viciously dead
Hyenas dumped the bodies in front of the Lion's Den, the Lion unaware of what lies ahead

Next morning, the missing young ones were searched for, not to be found around, in vain
The hogs led the animals by the blood trail to Lion's Den, foul play, wicked display, What pain!

The animals called the Lion King a Monster, the Noble soul couldn't bear this treachery
The wise Tortoise asked him to go into exile, will need some time to solve this mystery

The Two Hogs became King and Minister, they made the poor animals pay
The Hogs got a big pit made, all animals had to fill it with fruits, filth every day

No grazing, No migration, No hunting, No mixing, animals were under gruesome evil spell
All animals were struggling hard to fill the pit, the Tortoise was worried, Jungle was like hell

Low dispersion of seeds, animals missing in action, Fertility of the Jungle soil decreased
Gain in the weights of greedy Hyenas and Hogs, sufferings of animals and Filth increased

At the end of every week, the Hogs would pick and trick a dozen animals
In pursuit of Secret passage to Heaven, take them to Hyenas, poor animals

The Hyenas would kill them and eat them, hogs would gorge on carcasses and filth
Together they did have a party, their minds and bodies were accumulating more filth

The Tortoise told the Owl to keep an eye over the Hogs, Owl was watchful and alert every night
The Owl ensued the dozen led by the Hogs, saw their sinister act, shocked by the deadly sight

It was a Full Moon Night, the Lion King and Tortoise were waiting for the Owl, sure to find a way
The Owl came hooting loudly all the way, the Lion King and the Tortoise learnt about the cruel play

The Lion King had to act soon to stop the deadly Hogs, called on all animals to rise, time to awake
All animals assembled, followed the Owl, realized that their lives, Freedom, Jungle, all were at stake

The Hyenas and Hogs were caught in their act of criminal indulging without any shame
The hogs couldn't run, tried to hide in the pit, bewildered by the charging troops, Endgame

The mud around the pit collapsed, Hogs were buried in their own pit, too dead to run
The Hyenas escaped, cowardly saving their skin, hastily fled the Jungle, never to return

All the animals learnt their lesson, Nature's Law holds an upper hand, for general good
The wise Tortoise and the Vigilant Owl revealed the sublime Truth, all animals understood

Finally the Lion King returned to his Den, Ruled the Jungle with Pride and Respect
Restored Natural balance, all animals could live normally, they know What to expect

Sun, Moon, Sky, Sea and Trees sustain Life for ages, Peace prevails, all animals are mere Mortal Beings
Jungle prospers with united efforts of all animals led by a Good King, who thinks and does Good things.

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