A Thought Poem by Robert Louis Stevenson

A Thought

Rating: 2.8

It is very nice to think
The world is full of meat and drink,
With little children saying grace
In every Christian kind of place.

Sandile Perfect Ngema 02 October 2011

Great Thought Indeed.

7 11 Reply
Ramesh T A 02 October 2011

It is a poem of his time and not suitable for a all times to read appreciate! He is not much remembered for his poems and appreciated other than his novel, The Treasure Island!

4 13 Reply
Guybrush Threepwood 02 October 2009

I like how pretentious everyone is on this site. It seriously makes me laugh every day I come here. (See, I understand irony!) Anyway, the poem is a thought, thought by a man who thought quite a lot. (I'm still doing it!) If he meant for it to be ironic, he didn't do a great job of getting that across. If it's just a thought, well... then it's just a thought.

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JH Poetry 02 October 2010

thought provoking, hm

4 11 Reply
Kevin Straw 02 October 2012

There is no evidence whatsoever that this poem is an ironical plea for the hungry of the world. It comes from A Child's Garden of Verses written for his childhood nurse and when Stevenson was a staunch conservative.

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Sarah 22 January 2022

My Grammie had a family baby cup engraved with my name on it with this poem and i was to pass it down to my granddaughter but my mother gave it to my neice instead. Trying to find another one now.

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Louise Passalacqua 03 December 2018

Very much British kind of poem. Graceful and direct.

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Vaibhav 31 August 2018

Nice poem

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Daniesza 21 April 2018

That is the worst thing to hear a Robotic delivery just Ruins the whole soul of this poem

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Gangadharan Nair Pulingat 02 October 2014

Great thoughts and messages to the world in brief poem and it is so beautiful.

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