About You Selling Out Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

About You Selling Out

Rating: 5.0

It is no longer about the moon
or the stars.
Bushes without leaves
nor lovers that cleave to the heart.
It's about all the apples that fell
from the poison tree
that all of U.S. are therein the fruit of.
They are killing U.S.
as I've said from the start.
After all don't they say of a rapist
that for each victim
found out there are dozens of which
they have not?
Entertainment for cops
is this relentless march of getting you
to expect when you leave your home
you can be killed.
Those whom live in other country's
Expect nothing less but we don't.
Not in America or do you?
Are you drinking to much coffee?
Are you one of those American senior
whom presumed you were guilty simply
based on a false arrest?
For every murder caught on video tape
there are thousands that aren't.
Not having a clue
is the most terrifying thing about you
and makes you more dangerous than them.

About You Selling Out
Friday, July 31, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: green
Ace Of Black Hearts 31 July 2015

The reality is almost stranger then fiction, and while I've never seen it first hand I still live in this country and do not doubt merits for if a video shows even a single murder by the given authorities then you know they are plenty more that are not getting seen. While it seems to be racially motivated in a lot of cases not all fall in that category with a due of given respect. Corruption and cover up holds no cloth of any specific color. To much power has be given and we the people should have the right to revoke that authority at time. If we had that purchasing power things would change very abruptly. But instead nothing is done, and not enough people are held accountable. It is time clean house, not just one either but all them. How many unjustified deaths will it take before that happens? That I just don't know.

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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