Acrostic Of Your Name #4 Poem by Doris Cornago

Acrostic Of Your Name #4

Rating: 5.0

Not me but you spell out what's leftover
What things matter, what makes you
Shudder in fear, what causes
All these stopovers in
Time, is there
In your hands
Washing them several
Times but can never get them
Clean enough, what's the struggle
Am I the gunk that caused the big clunk

Acrostic Of Your Name #4
Friday, July 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: fear of self,grieve,obsession
Something grievous happens and we cease communicating. There's a long lull because you were not sure what was causing the condition which has caused you to lose interest in everything. You sought help from experts but all they said that genius needs to relax sometime. You have reached your peak and now on a downward trajectory, as predicted by past history of prodigies. I can't believe this was happening to us.
Doris Cornago 21 July 2017

A shadow of his former self, we always hear that phrase and we shudder that it can happen to anyone. It's not written in the stars, nor caused by vitamin deficiency. It's more of we know what's happening but we did not care enough to struggle. I will not allow this to happen to persons whom I love - I will shout and poke, cry and embrace, I will do my best to pull out anyone who wants to be helped. But you need to tell me if you need me.

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Doris Cornago 21 July 2017

We feel concerned for someone who needs to isolate but letting him be until he comes back might also be the best help we can give him. Respect and trust are our best gifts that he earns from the same.

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Doris Cornago 21 July 2017

After every loss, every fall, we try to put ourselves together again but in truth, what is broken can never be unbroken, even if someone tries to help us. We will never be the same person but feel the scar from the cut and feel the emptiness though we strive to be whole again.

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