Adieu, Adieu, Adieu Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Adieu, Adieu, Adieu

They say, old is gold,
Really, old, hardly easily sold;
Dusk lacks glamour of dawn,
Long age never stands up to brawn;
Luster of freshness is innately born,
Nascent force perforce is youth’s preserve,
And progressions only young age deserve;
Old is cold, excessively in hold,
It tatters life in melancholic mould,
And awaits support in youngers’ fold;
Therefore, love, I surrender love,
Bid you, dissociate from me now,
Lest you caught in old age spirals,
And lose life’s sheen within its whorls;
Adieu, adieu, adieu.

You’re freshly blossoming flower,
Fragrant, hallowed, in lustrous sunshine,
In the meridian of youth, glowing abright;
Thousands of miles of joyous passage
Lies ahead to walk, awaits for you –
How I infect you with old age shade?
You’re my most prized possession,
My joy, my light, jewel, my pride –
How I pluck you to walk shadowy path,
I’m condemned to passage on my course,
Only to keep me in comfort and warmth?
Though eager, you’re, to be near, and tend;
No, my love, life, too precious to waste
In thoughtless sacrifice on sentiment’s altar;
Adieu, adieu, adieu.

Setting Sun and full Moon, algate apart,
They blend on new moon to wane the Moon –
So are we now, to great despair of us;
My heights are over, on descent now,
Nothing of worth, I can gift you now;
I extracted aplenty from the mine of life,
But nothing is left to share with you,
But for travails of care for lowly days;
I’m no pleasure or pride of anybody now;
No, you shouldn’t follow, keep own course,
Parting from you, now, my gift for you;
Live life like Queen, and make me proud;
It’s the bliss I await at the sunset ahead,
And bid you to give that precious gift;
Adieu, adieu, adieu.

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