Once Little Teddy was near a tree.
He heard the noise that he knew. “A bee?
No! Many bees! Much honey!
With it the day’s always sunny! ”
- “Mammy, have you heard the noise?
I’ll climb. It is my chance and choice.”
- “I hear, but you know they sting.
They’ve stung you twice.”
____________________- “Yes, but I think
I’ll try because an oak
Is not felled at one stroke.”
We’ve known the end of the story.
Teddy Bear was very sorry.
To the bees little Teddy got,
They saw him and stung a lot.
Without honey he fell and
Had to put off his great plan.
This an absolutely gorgeous piece of work about Tedddy Bear after A.A. Milne. I simply Adore it! Top Marks from me!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Konstantin, You used beautiful rhymes... Good poem for children and for me too...10......../with a smile / Tsira