Against An Ever Changing World Poem by Matthew Holloway

Against An Ever Changing World

The world is ever changing
sadly not so much for the better
the value of free thought
is trod upon by those militant
keyboard self appointed governments
who shut and shout down
all free thought and scientific fact
who despise the arts and creativity
because they just know their truth
and that is all that there is, nothing else
there are also those with beliefs
be it political, social, religious, sexual
the way we eat, drink, medical choices
even how we call the weather
who see it fit to chastise those who go against
what they see as the right way
live your own lives, leave others alone
parasites, parasites everywhere
no wonder so many fall disillusioned
I escape through my poetry
and know few if any will read it
know my words will fall flat
oh to be a six foot, blond and beautiful
celebrity how the world would kneel
and listen to everything I have to say
so the all the unknown, normal people
sat in rooms, thinking, writing, creating
the artists, musicians, poets
the world is ever changing
not always for the better
but we can keep some of it's magic
and save it, save it, save it

Matthew Holloway

Matthew Holloway

Cheshire, England
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