Alarmed Human Beings-Covid19 Poem by jodlizbeth dominic

Alarmed Human Beings-Covid19

Rating: 4.0

Big headed journey accomplished he
More and more proud, to be execute
Journey, confer with bliss, miseries
Delusions, expectations, depressions
On the way he met so many people
Thinks his mission is fight-findout
Continues, hoping the end victorious
Defeat the creator, have to create
Can destroy, even can't generate new
Discover the secreat of creations
Universe, behind what the surprise
Hurricane to catch the goals in high
Proceeding the journey, downs crowns
Threatening the weak, triumph the aim
On the way stunned the whole world
Rash spreading of hazard man killers
Country to country begin the running
Another somes journey stucked man's
Life ending play, threat to life here
What a silly hero, really he is zero
Man versus God, he alone cut morning
What a tragic journey happening how
Eaden gardens will close by the Lord
While the man act as his own decisions
Look, beginning with a fall of promise
After desired to become the almighty
Ending starts with the rise of pride
Which leads to act forgetting the owner
Journey, the path against the producer
Pleading desist from dreadful dark end
By showing kindness to the human beings
Greedy fellow forgetting the fecund eden
Hearing devil's advice to become almighty
Shamefaced, look coming to the tragic end
Fearing the unexpected wind up of humans


- jokudengpoms2020

Jodlizbeth dominic

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