All Citizens Are Blessed With Equity? Poem by Paul Amrod

All Citizens Are Blessed With Equity?

In a true democratic society exists a pluralism built within.
Reasoned realization is the pinnacle of true evolution.
Blindfolding the population with erroneous division
decisively sends signals of bewilderment and confusion.
Utilizing the usual hogwash the perpetrators try to underpin
their instillation of falsehoods as a white redneck's religion.
Hence I refute this propaganda of a shaman with bearskin
strutting his fantasies before our naïve and gullible culture.
Stand by your man is also east of Istanbul a grave delusion
while blowing dog-whistles is inciting these poor disruptors.
Nonetheless our citizens are promised freedom and equity
given the power to conceive the wonders they do envision.
These aspirations are to be openly evaluated as our heredity
give us maxims shedding the clarity of values and structure.
Never shall validity be ignored with pugnaciousness as illusions
will surface where our intellect is questioned for its sincerity.
Being raised with openness and tolerance my ultimate conclusions
are well-founded and I bless the founders of enlightenment.
Our exceptionalism germinates the creation of creativity
combined with ambitions bringing a burgeoning of fulfillment.
While viewing the horizons in the east I reimagined the fusion
of our humanity with the universe in its essence and entirety.
Being submerged in transcendental literature raised the precision
of my dissent watching the warring ants of Thoreau in seclusion.
Duluth's Frishberg and Zimmerman inspired my backwoods Americanism
with fabulous lyrics distinctly original with truly thoughtful propriety.
The funk then expanded taking jazz into its absolute periphery
sung with a moonwalk choreography sending me into insobriety.
Exhibiting my wares at the Juilliard in 1969 was without skepticism
entering me into the revelation of modern music through my instructors.
Originating out of the basics of the Beatles came the magical mysticism
propelling my conceptions far beyond the psychedelic poetic allusions
commencing an innovative phase unraveling a special secret in theory.
All thanks to this land of my heritage cherishing its deep perception
of instinct recognizing raw talent and nurturing me with resolution.
I wish every individual the fruition of their aspirations as the inception
of a glorious phase conveys augmentation aware of not merely
the result of each accomplishment but being enthralled in appreciation.
So I stand here saddened in remorse because of a recent horrific idiocy.
No guidance is the cause driving these masses to destroy in insurrection.
Led into the lion's mouth following untruths has truly disappointed sincerely
demolishing the American Dream as we murmur directionlessly in tension.
For the innocent stand exploitable taken to the cleaners with ugly collusion
thus power is the hideous rationale for this heartless calloused manipulation.
Reverse your anger to the incredible source indulged in complete intrusion
and salvage your sanity before the lack of brotherhood is your indoctrination.

Saturday, January 16, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: individuality,heritage
Paul Amrod

Paul Amrod

Chateaugay, New York
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