Alone Poem by Jackson Wings


Here I am alone again stuck in the case of depression. I went through hell and back trying to tell somebody I love them then get rejected. And there it is everything I've done has been wrong so sometimes I think of giving up. Being alone is fine but being alone is also horrible cause being in silence is bad for depression cause you start thinking of the bad things in life then it makes you more depressed. Rather I stay or go only time can tell. Jackson Wings logging off.

Seamus O Brian 14 October 2016

Jackson, there are so many idiots out there, so many people who are stuck on living on the surface, and never bothering to find out what's really inside of people. We can never allow them to define our worth. We should never let them discourage us, just because they don't have the eyes to really see what the value of a person is. You are expressing your heart and your art in your work. There are lots of people out here who really value that, and are willing to see more than just the superficial aspect of a person. Your writing is raw and honest, and there are so many people who need to hear your message. Keep writing, keep communicating, and you will eventually find that there are some many people like us. Be blessed, Jackson. :)

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Ernest Makuakua 29 June 2016

Sometimes that how it feels to just be alone but then we need to move on too for the Time we waste will never be regained.

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Howard Savage 08 January 2016

Love yourself first and then move toward sharing your feelings with someone else. Just don't get in a hurry. Remember you're the winner, when you let go of losers.

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