Ambitions As A Writer Poem by J M. Basey

Ambitions As A Writer

Rating: 5.0

You look at me
As if I’m dumb
Don’t judge me
You don’t know where I come from

You just judge me
On what comes out of people’s mouths
Shut up and leave
Get back to your own house

Do what you do best
Lean on your fence
And chat s**t to your neighbour
On how that kid on your street
Keeps getting crazier

Saying you like me as a writer
But my stuff is always depressive
That’s the thirteenth time you’ve said it
You’re sounding kind of obsessive

Oh look...that’s unlucky
Throw it in the tumbler
Give it another spin
And out pops a new number

Two fives
Yeah fifty five
So you better run
While you still can
Only the strongest survive

I’m a writer
Down and out, sad and alone
Is what I do best
I’m not crying out
I’m just getting the bad s**t
Off my painful chest
Onto blank emotionless paper
I won’t accept anything less

So just go away
Do your thing
I wonder what kind of trouble
That will bring
To your door

Another p****d off neighbour
I wasn’t in any doubts
Saying that you’ve been nosing
Into their private business
Ever since they moved in
Across the way from you last Christmas

Just because they look different
On this rather mundane tranquil street
Well guess what I think
No one’s listening
To what’s coming off your verbal sheet

Do what you do best
Lean on your fence
And chat s**t to your neighbour
On how that kid on your street
Keeps getting crazier

Saying you like me as a writer
But my stuff is always depressive
That’s the fourteenth time you’ve said it
You’re sounding kind of obsessive

Mind you the number has been cast
It’s fourteen this time
Unlucky for some, not for me
Not with the flow of this rhyme

So as I sit back in m chair
Slow sipping on some cider
Not even a punk like you
Can stop my ambitions as a writer

By Jay Basey © 2009

J M. Basey

J M. Basey

Brisbane, Queens, Aus
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