America Abandoned Loyal Factory Workers Poem by Terence George Craddock

America Abandoned Loyal Factory Workers

Rating: 5.0

powerful images
dust stirred
'factory workers
On broken assembly lines'

haunts from decades past
America abandoned
her loyal factory workers
for foreign sweat

shop cheap labour
social mental trauma
poverty in the US;
chasing more elite

shareholder profits
at cost of American families
at cost of American lives
disgracefully disrespected

thrown into hardship
thrown into poverty
thrown into violence
thrown into life crisis

thrown into prison incarceration
trampled on by corporations
trampled on by politicians
trampled on by shifty governments

betrayed by congress senate?
betrayed by American Presidents?
betrayed by struggling neighbours?
in this time of crisis who helped?

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Inspired by my comment on the poem 'Poetry Wrote Me - 86', by the poet Richard Wlodarski. Dedicated to the poet Richard Wlodarski. Quoted line from the poem 'Poetry Wrote Me - 86', by the poet Richard Wlodarski. Written in May 2023 on the 18.5.2023.
Richard Wlodarski 29 May 2023

Terence, my sincerest apologies for somehow having missed this poem. Your profound poem speaks to the tragic truth that has befallen America. As always, you have written in a style extrordinaire. My friend, I am flattered and honoured that you have dedicated this outstanding poem to me. THX!

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Terence Craddock 29 May 2023

P2 two lines which haunt, sing to the heart, identifying a policy in American industry which became a cancer of off shore corporate greed production. Society needs to recognize past errors, become more humane and interactive for future generations.

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Terence Craddock 29 May 2023

P1 There is too often a tragic tale in the way governments/corporations treat their citizens/employees seldom written; to not tell their story, pay tribute to their suffering lessens our humanity. Humanity has choices. Your gift Richard is to write

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