An Immigrant Hymn Poem by Madam Anonymous

An Immigrant Hymn

Rating: 4.8

Must be difficult, to break all ties
To separate the truth from the lies
Of your comforting cradle of birth
Toward a far land, set forth.

Must be difficult, to unlearn
Everything you once knew
The new speedily in your mind burn
A different thinking accept as true

Must be difficult, to get used
To faces white and black
To wish self-protective skills fused
Master the alien with an easy knack

Must be difficult, more than the ways
To tragically leave behind
The feel of rainy tropical days
Neighbors and friends kind

Must be difficult, to restart
From the bottom of the ladder
With your strange foreign ways part
Keep the homesickness from making you sadder

But, yet you do it
With great joy and pain
To keep the internal fire you once lit
And pursue happiness, not in vain


It is ver difficult indeed, settling in a new country.

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Onelia Avelar 12 July 2009

Your poem makes me think about the phenomenon of imigration, which seems to be in the focus of the society more often than ever before. You treat it with compassion and humanity.

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Shekhar Joshi 02 June 2009

really difficult indeed......but yet truly said, we do it with joy....... a beautiful-est poem.....

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Makayla Straight 24 May 2009

wow that is very good i hope i can write as good as you when i am older.. my poems are dumb and cheesy

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Dr Hitesh Sheth 22 May 2009

But then a man wants to escape, even if it means jumping from a frying pan to the blazing fire.............Those who lives in India wants to go America...those who lives in UK wants to go Australia or France............and some who live in foreign countries want to go to a heaven........It is existential dissatisfaction. If you are joyful and playful you would be happy even on the bed of thorns.........HAPPINESS LIES WITHIN................a good write...........

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Madam Anonymous

Madam Anonymous

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