An Observation Plus Another Finding Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

An Observation Plus Another Finding

An observation plus another finding
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
I finished reading Sophie Hannah's book in the style of Agatha Christie, an Hercule Poirot mystery, The Mystery of Three Quarters
It is simply brilliant and has all the characteristics of a good whodunit
Suspense, thrill and mystery interwoven into a story
And I must tell you how I came upon the book;

While holidaying in Bangalore in India, we were hosted to a luncheon by a relative
In a Kannada eaterie, Udupi Krishna Bhavan,
Which has delicious food if you care for that type of cuisine
And I walked outside to the hustle bustle of street vendors;

A lady asked me to buy jasmine tied into a lengthy roll of flowers
And I couldn't resist buying these
When my eyes caught sight of this book
And I picked it up for Rs.200;

After finishing the book, I cannot but help feel
That the sheer poetry of it all is mystifying
Which brings me to this afternoon's outing
With my husband's friend's sister's family;

We went to a restaurant, Insomnia,
Which is in a busy corner of Toronto
Teeming with activity
And after a satisfying lunch,
We came out to see another restaurant, Amnesia, right opposite;

A few stores after, I saw a lingerie store, Prima Donna,
And this to me, is the Mystery of Three Quarters
All different in name but tied into a meaningful solution,
A pleasant outing on a September day
Quoting from the Green Day song:
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends.

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