And Then He Calls Again Poem by The Muse

And Then He Calls Again

Rating: 5.0

He left me high and dry
With my sorrows alone to sigh
I thought I would hate him
From the depths of my heart
Hate the upstart before
He ravages my poor heart

And then he calls again
And I melt in a thousand ways

We spent few summer days in bliss
And then he gradually found a new miss
I thought I would have a hard heart
From the moment we were apart
I would not budge I thought
And I myself refuge I sought

And then he calls again
And I melt in a thousand ways

I hate him for winding me up like this
For every lie and broken promise
He says he is thinking
And not binge drinking
But I think I know he is a mess
And sent to me by God as a test

And then he calls again
And I melt in a thousand ways

I know there is no hope for me
I am in love with him crazily
I think I will let him know
Perhaps he will someday true feelings show
But I know the man is super fake
I would only know him at his wake

And then he calls again
And I melt in a thousand ways

© Recurring theme

Monday, July 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: deja vu
Mahtab Bangalee 23 November 2019

And then he calls again And I melt in a thousand ways/// in love the melting system of heart become implement in many ways

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