The Muse Poems

Hit Title Date Added
You Made Me Young Again

You made me young again
You made me yearn for summers again

You filled my nights with longing

The Dreamcatcher

He chronicled her dreams
She wasn't even a queen
Was he dressed in a many coloured tunic?
Was he there taming the lions?

I See You Again.

I see you everyday
Why do you haunt me so
If you don't want to stay?
Why do you leave me alone


Every voice I hear is you
Every sound makes me think of you
You're but a noise in my head
You're just the voice of my soul

The Cheat

He has to wish his ladies every morn
He has to kiss them goodnight too
He loves to listen to their chatter
And create dark matter

Edge Of Insanity

The heart pounds
The mind melts
within inches of your vicinity
I'm lost and found at the edge of insanity

It Too Shall Pass

O tell me not in mournful numbers
life is but an empty dresm
I played my cards well
but the cat got all the cream?

When I Loved A Man

When I loved a man..
Twas wrong from the start
When lies were the bricks we used
To fall irrevocably apart

The Timber Man

Why did you let me go?
You with the hard heart
And eballs as hard as timber

Me And My Timberman

With great care he placed them there
In woods so dark and deep and rare
He caressed them gently and fed them love
He let the sun filter rays from above

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