Angry At You! Poem by Emma Jane Rae

Angry At You!

Rating: 2.8

My eyes feel so heavy,
from a distinct lack of sleep,
i get in bed lay as still as a corpse,
then i feel my eyes begin to weep,
you buzzing about,
constantly on my mind,
searching for answeres,
i know i'll never find,
my eyes so puffy and swollen,
from all the tears that i have cried,
so many questions,
i feel like my brain has been fried,
how could that thing,
be worth more than any of us?
yes i am upset,
and damn right i'll make a fuss,
think you can waltz back in,
and take anything you choose?
you've picked me on the wrong day,
for today i only have a short fuse,
see when you were at home,
it was great to have a mum so hip,
but your just a cheating b*tch,
oops, sorry did i let that slip?
yes i am very hurt and angry at you,
but i wont tell you to your face,
your nothing but a scumbag,
a complete and utter waste of space,
you had everything from me,
my love, respect, affection,
but you no longer give me,
that satisfying motherly protection,
i wish i could wipe my memory clean,
or wake up in the morning,
and this will all have been a bad dream!

Akram Awadat 30 March 2009

very nice poem, fantastic lines

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Gabriel Joel 24 March 2009

Very awesomely witten Quite the poem!

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Rosalita Fernandez 24 March 2009

Anger very prominant! nicely written well done!

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