April -- North Carolina Poem by Harriet Monroe

April -- North Carolina

Rating: 3.0

Would you not be in Tryon
   Now that the spring is here,
When mocking-birds are praising
   The fresh, the blossomy year?

Look -- on the leafy carpet
   Woven of winter's browns
Iris and pink azaleas
   Flutter their gaudy gowns.

The dogwood spreads white meshes --
   So white and light and high --
To catch the drifting sunlight
   Out of the cobalt sky.

The pointed beech and maple,
   The pines, dark-tufted, tall,
Pattern with many colors
   The mountain's purple wall.

Hark -- what a rushing torrent
   Of crystal song falls sheer!
Would you not be in Tryon
   Now that the spring is here?

Bryan Taplits 17 July 2006

I was looking for my poem, and entered 'North Carolina'. I saw there was another poem about North Carolina. I decided to read it, and I'm glad I made the visit. It's a beautiful poem. Thank you for posting it.

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Aly Willi 01 March 2005

i couldnt understand some of the words-but in the end i loved it

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Dorina Neculce 27 January 2016

Now that the spring is here? nice and profundly poem

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Fabrizio Frosini 12 November 2015

Would you not be in Tryon Now that the spring is here, When mocking-birds are praising The fresh, the blossomy year? - ITALIAN TRANSLATION: Non vorreste essere in Tryon Ora che la primavera è qui, Quando i tordi lodano Il nuovo, l'anno fiorito?

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* Sunprincess * 04 June 2014

..........a beautiful tribute of april in north carolina....april is such a magical time of year...

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Brianna Cruz 21 August 2009

it may sound corny but this poem is magical. yur words paint out such a vivid picture in my mind. yur very inspirational.

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Lori Murrell 16 December 2006

This is beautiful. Iam also a publihsed poetry author of nature poems and I really can identify with Harrette. She was brilliant!

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Harriet Monroe

Harriet Monroe

Chicago, Illinois
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