Are You Free My Friend? Poem by OJO Peter

Are You Free My Friend?

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How free are you, my friend?
Are you as free as a bird in the sky,
Or are you bound by chains unseen to the eye?

Are you free to speak your mind,
Or do you hold back for fear of what you'll find?
Do you feel free to be yourself,
Or do you hide behind a mask like everyone else?

Are you free to love who you choose,
Or do you bow to societal rules?
Do you follow your heart wherever it leads,
Or do you stay within the lines society decrees?

How free are you, my friend?
Are you free to live without fear,
Or do you feel trapped by life's endless career?
Do you feel free to dream and soar,
Or are you weighed down by the burdens you bore?

The answer lies within your soul,
For freedom is not something that can be sold.
It's a state of mind, a way of being,
A choice we make in every moment of living.

So be free, my friend, in all that you do,
And let your heart guide you to what is true.
For in the end, it's not what we possess,
But the freedom we feel that brings us happiness.

Are You Free My Friend?
This poem appears to be a reflective and introspective piece, contemplating the nature of personal freedom and what it means to truly be free. It encourages the reader to examine their own life and choices, and to consider whether they are truly living in a way that is aligned with their values and desires. The poem's tone is thoughtful and contemplative, inviting the reader to take a moment to pause and reflect on their own journey towards greater freedom and self-expression. Overall, this poem can be classified as a philosophical or contemplative piece of poetry.
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