Are You The Cratered Moon Or The Shooting Star? Poem by Mark Heathcote

Are You The Cratered Moon Or The Shooting Star?

Please show some humility, some humiliation
You are not a raging sea
You are not a flower weed setting seed
Please show some decorum, some dignity
You are not a blowfly maggot eating greedily
Or a vulture feeding on bare-bones hungrily
Please show me who you really are
Are you the star-fruit or the fruit fly?
Are you the honey or the black honeybee?
Are you a silken weft or a spider in the dark?
Please show me which you are.
Do you have a ruby centre to your heart?
Do you have a thousand and one rose petals?
Or a python's ribs stretching to burst,
Bursting with hatred and greed
Do you lack sensitivity, feelings of love?
Please show me who you really are
And if you are strong-
May you always be resilient?
Well balanced and caring,
Caring, enough never to circumvent forgiveness.
Please, please show me who you really are
Please show me if you are kind, or spiteful
Please show me which are you.
Please, please show me who you really are.
Are you the cratered moon or the shooting star?

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