As Hungry As A Shark Poem by Purbesh Mahapatra

As Hungry As A Shark

I am a great shark
Lonely but not dangerous
Just kidding as in smiling
I promise no laughing
I am very weak in emotions
Hardly one discerns me in all oceans
The magnificence of my senses
The audacity in my defences
My shark brain and untiring eyes
Deeply impress all my enemies
All great ones have only me to idolize
Immortalizing my legacy in unending seas

I am the revolution of creation
The weapon of evolution

I always seem to be praying
As seems God is always listening
In deepest and coldest water
I lie low the unseen terror
I float like a cherished dream
I am by Nature most extreme
Better known across the seven seas
In all directions trenches and keys
The cold hearted legend of killing
The most fearsome end to beginning

Since long I have realized
No life ever sees me coming

Once I had a friend
Now he is dead
Pierced in all sides
Blood redding the tides
Humans killed my crony
My ally I know not why
This event caught fancy of my heart
When it broke apart part by part

Maybe killed to eat but you see
Now I have more for me

I am neither a virtuoso
Or either a swindler by nature
I have been starving yesterday
At present and in future
I do not kill by deceit
I execute by my merit

I move like a whip of lightning
To unleash death upon living
The setting sun raises the heat
A tuna or mackerel will be a treat

A great place is this sea in dark
Greater still is the hunger of a shark

Saturday, April 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
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