As I Was Walking Poem by Walter de la Mare

As I Was Walking

Rating: 2.9

As I was walking,
Thyme sweet to my nose,
Green grasshoppers talking,
Rose rivalling rose:
And wing, like amber,
Dispread in light,
As from bush to bush
Linnet took flight:
Master Rabbit I saw
In the shadow-rimmed mouth
Of his sandy cavern,
Looking out to the South.
'Twas dew-tide coming;
The turf was sweet
To nostril, curved tooth,
And wool-soft feet.
Sun was in West;
Crystal in beam
Of its golden shower
Did his round eye gleam.
Lank human was I,
And a foe, poor soul—
Snowy flit of a scut,
He was into his hole,
And—stamp, stamp, stamp!
Through dim labyrinths clear,
The whole world darkened,
A murderer near.

Michael Hagwood 09 July 2018

He has a way to write as if we were, walking together.

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Savageelad 28 January 2019

Nice poem about nature. I like the feeling

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Bushfantastic 12 July 2020

Nice Poem... my teacher explained this poem two years back

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Sylvia Frances Chan 22 November 2021

A loveliest created poem consisting of 5-6 syllables make this poem sound more like a Song, sweet song walking through the labyrinth with the killer near. Eerie word makes the poem sounds darkest. Excellent Classic Poem Of The day

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Sylvia Frances Chan 22 November 2021

Excellent poem 5 Stars full

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Nabakishore Dash 23 November 2021

Excellent poem, myself feels like walking. Top scores.

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Ruta Mohapatra 23 November 2021

Ah, beautiful writing, creating an enchanting world!

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 22 November 2021

Like the nature I'm walking towards unnammed future

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Pam Smart 22 November 2021

Walking with poetry.

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Chinedu Dike 22 November 2021

An interesting piece nicely put together.

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