As We Grow Older Poem by Francis Duggan

As We Grow Older

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As we grow older our lust for life seems to be on the wane
And I'd trade what little knowledge that the years brought to me for to be young again
To be a teenager once more with energy to spare
And to play football hard for an hour and run like the hunted hare.

But in life as we know all too well the young years seem to fly
And on looking back it doesn't seem long since I was a Schoolboy
And my golden twenties came and went and time just sped away
And too soon the brown hairs on my head were turning silver gray.

As we grow older our passion wanes and time on us takes toll
And ageing something we can't combat it's beyond our control
Some people jog, run and lift weights, have face lifts and dye their hair
And from their war on ageing the plastic surgeon becomes a millionaire.

As I grow older and time goes by it often occurs to me
That physically or mentally I'm not the man I used to be
But I like all of the others cannot turn back the hands of time
And re-live again my best span from my teen years to my prime

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