Without beginning nor end am I, Inviolable am I.
Vanquish me? In this world no such enemy is born!
Resolutely, as the Upholder of Dharma,
Challenging very Death I charge into the battlefield.
A sword cannot slice me nor can fire burn me,
Craven Death itself shall flee in fear of me!
And yet, O Foolish Foe,
By fear of Death you dare to scare me!
Fling me into the cage of a ferocious lion, you may-
Reduce him to a cowering servility, I will!
Fling me into the blaze of a roaring inferno, you may-
Remove it! For wrap myself with gentle coolness, I will.
Come! Bring on your mighty, skilled armed Legion,
Bring on your weapons and missiles spewing deadly fire!
Ha! Like Lord Shiva consuming the poison Halahal,
Gulp down and digest all of you, I will
[Translated by Anurupa Cinar]
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