"Bare The Fruit" Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

"Bare The Fruit"

Roots out of balance
an empty chalice
lacking morally
mocking loyalty
exploiting people
places and all things
with impunity; wasting
Earth's resources, torturing
lost souls, all nations, societies
organizations, policies… progressively
threatening this species survival
without a semblance of communal
and considerate regulation subverting
traditions through induced prohibitions
making uncommon and unnecessary all
regular activities, this destroying the universal
sense of community, disserving the people in
immoral decision making, using supposedly
superior intellect as a billet in which the binding
and bonding of the all of US is seriously worrisome
producing troublesome results that stretch our natural
goodwill into a contortionists mindphuuck of mud rucking
rhetoric and insanity hi-lighted by meddlesome politics
practiced against the greater masses of the all of US
please do so explain the gist of this to the each of
US, as to the how and why of this suicidal course?
How is this imbalance that "gold" of necessity?
Why propagate this stab at fate when
historically the results all bleed a continuance
of murderous retaliation and generational hate?
Why not drop this war mongering and unconscionable
discombobulated rubric and agree to meet with the
aggrieved and incorrect to discuss this mess, to establish
discourse to correct our course and renew the "source" of
our meandering, confused, and irrational wishes for death
of all those who may suggest that ‘our' policies and warring
ways are childish and archaic at best producing nothing but
conflict in ideologies and dysfunction on a worldwide basis…
Where ever is our sense of universal community
of a singular humanity, of our intellectual sanity
and what became of our empathy, our compassion
our passionate love for each of our brothers and sisters
throughout the all of humanity?

Monday, December 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: duality,humanity,purgatory,purpose,questions,separation,unity
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