Baton Of The Past Poem by Adams King

Baton Of The Past

Do not dwell in your past
Where the fattened maggots
wallow in your rotten regrets
Where the high ocean of opportunities
lost, kiss the very lips of the sky

There, they are dying dreams
helpless hopes and murdered music
that made your heart once merry
and sweetened your soul to sing along
till that very song was stolen from you

I tell you something my friends
let not such lyrics be forgotten
Fight to win your voice back again
Sing that beautiful song you once had
and echo your music louder this time

Everyman in life wether great or small
has witnessed both a push and pull
Don't be like the wasted candle wax at night
Rekindle your dreams and shine brighter
like the setting sun that fades to rise

Whatever lofty life you may have lived
Whatever dreadful deeds you may have done
Whatever great loss you may have incurred
You have paid the price already my friend
Don't be beaten twice by the baton of the past

I give you this sincere words of advice
I hope they mix well with your better wisdom
Nothing lost is loss unless your dear life
all is retrievable as long as one is alive
Time may outrun you but can be met in time

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