Beauty is warm and cold
Beauty is black and bold
Beauty is different for us all I am told
Beauty I would love a chance to mould
Beauty gives the finest pleasure I am told
Beauty can be bought and sold
To the one and only highest bidder
While it graciously glitters like gold
I adore beauty
Oh! How I adore beauty with a passion
I adore beauty with every last breath
Beauty itself is not exempt
From the laws of birth and death
It experiences the joys of being young and old
Blossoming each day in early youth
Maturing adoringly each day with age
Behold, I adore beauty
Oh! How I adore beauty with a passion
Beauty is something I would like to hold
Where there is too much ugly
I can bring it out of a drawer and unfold
Spread it around the entire household
Without worrying about getting a scold
Behold, I adore beauty
Oh! How I adore beauty
When out on a nightie
Quite hungry and thirsty
And you drink the last drops of milk
From a beautiful chest that is busty
I would say, that itself is a faculty of beauty
Copyright 2006 - Sylvia Chidi
Sylvia, a lovely poem. We want beauty in our life, we must first have it inside of us, otherwise we cannot see. You must have plenty. Bob
This poem is a beauty, Sylv. One point, beauty may age, but, by virtue of its very nature, it remains beauty! That's my view, anyway. Warm regards, Gina.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
'I adore beauty Oh! How I adore beauty with a passion I adore beauty with every last breath Beauty itself is not exempt From the laws of birth and death' wonderful perception