Beauty And Complexity In Loving Harmony Poem by Royston Nella

Beauty And Complexity In Loving Harmony

Rating: 5.0

You are who you are and it has often been said
you're blessed with the ability to think ahead.
God has given you a loving and caring heart
a place in which your deep emotions take their part.

Such sensitivity can sometimes makes you cry
and it is because you feel deeply that you sigh.
My love, you are so full of laughter and of joy
when in the company of those whom you enjoy.

When chuckling and laughing your lovely beaming face
radiates such love as your grand children you embrace.
Like Poo Bear you hum tunes as on your way you go
singing to others as your friendliness you show.

Signs of pain and sadness you can sometimes reveal
when grieving for others as their heartache you feel.
With tears of grief and sorrow flowing down your face
as you reach out to them with your loving embrace.

So many forms of emotion flow out of you
as you show such joy and laughter and sorrow too.
Sometimes with anger you become very perplexed
and start to roar like a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Being a woman and showing so much feeling
makes you so attractive and much more appealing.
You are very creative and artistic too.
Life is exciting and full of colour to you.

Expert at using a roller for brayering
and superb at building pictures by layering.
Much preferring card making using decoupage
you can even make a picture into a montage.

Painting using oils is not difficult for you
And you can even produce superb drawings too.
When the kids were very young you showed a great flair
in dressmaking and sewing clothes for them to wear.

You are a person of talent and complexity,
a beautiful woman full of love and mystery.
Unconditional affection to all you share
and I praise God for your deep love and tender care.

Opposites attract and can knit together in harmony
Dr Dillip K Swain 21 June 2021

Quite a motivational piece of work... liked it...5 stars

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