Bitter And Sour Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Bitter And Sour

Rating: 2.8

Some of the words can turn you bitter and sour
It may add to your agony and pour
Cause so much pain to your heart
As it is not considered at all a good art

It is easy to malign somebody
Throw a mud and spoil character of anybody
There won’t be any readymade explanation
It is enough to spoil the existing relation

It costs nothing but damage is colossal
You hurl abuse and then silently walk away
So many good people may not offer a word
They may think it bad phase and look forward

Not all can perform such kind of feat
You may find warmth and sweetness when they greet
It is becoming of good and noble soul
You have peace of mind when go out for stroll

But some of good words can do a miracle
It can wipe out your impression of being a jackal
Your action may speak clearly of personality
That you have no double standard and have genuine quality

It gives some sort of satisfaction
Even if it does not render any assistance or favorable action
A person gets fully satisfied with your promise
Even though he has compulsion and no choice

Small words of appreciation can encourage a person
He finds means to live with some solid reasons
He finds aim in life to carry on with purpose
He cares little then for prose and cons


Small words of appreciation can encourage a person He finds means to live with some solid reasons He finds aim in life to carry on with purpose He cares little then for prose and cons

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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