Blind And Deceived Poem by Bob Gotti

Blind And Deceived

Some men indeed are spiritually blind, building faith upon man’s mind,
Following man’s deceptive heart, where from the Truth they do depart.
These men have a faith modified, changing the way men are qualified,
In the way they receive Salvation, filling those of Truth with indignation.

These men amend Truth as they go, thus adding to their Eternal Woe,
When they’ll meet The Eternal Truth, and face Christ’s eternal reproof.
Adding to the Eternal Word of God, under Christ’s foot they will be trod,
Spiritually deceiving hearts of men, false teachers shall be condemned.

Looking at the times we live today, they lead multitudes of men astray,
Leading multitudes in a religious fog, serving not Jesus Christ but Gog.
Religiously exalted these men may be, but, that will change in Eternity,
As God humbles the proud my friend, delivering them to a different end.

Another gospel these men proclaim, and speaking in the Savior’s name,
They hold a religious convocation, to change and alter God’s Revelation.
Creating their own regulations, they pervert the Truth of God’s Salvation,
They believe they have authority to, condemn believers like me and you.

All the while, not knowing if, they have themselves embraced God’s Gift,
For God’s Gift comes with certainty, knowing you’ll be with God eternally.
Despising the finished work of Christ, they deny themselves Eternal Life.
So how can these men judge anyone, who fully relies on God’s own Son?

Daniel Partlow 19 April 2007

Amen - I mention very nearly the same sentiment in the afterward of my book Sunrise On The Mount - which I wrote to glorify the truth of the Bible. I emblazoned it with a logo of a cross in the form of an exclamation point (Exclamation Cross) - which was meant as a counterpoint to the UCC logo which is a goddess in the form of a comma. They advertise don't put a period where God put a comma, but I respond, don't put a comma (or question mark) where God made an Exclamation!

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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