Blind To What's In Store Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

Blind To What's In Store

He is my eternal blind date
I can't touch him
Yet, I am overwhelmed by miracles
But also by malevolence
And nobody is winning this battle
Least of all me
There's an amourous glow surrounding me
But it's quickly suffocated by hate
And it goes from a blind date
To a nightmarish dance with fate
To a shove toward a particular death gate
But not heaven
Is this hell?
But then you look at me with those eyes
God, it's so hard to tell!
How did I find myself
Glued to this dance
Bound to something
Huge, enhanced
A power, powers, I don't even understand
And I am terrified;
Are you even a man?
Who I kneel to, or what is your plan?
I thought magic; it found me
But perhaps it's a curse
As the particles of malice
Circle and dance around me
It feels rehearsed,
As they're dispersed.
I am a foolish girl
When it comes to love
Never gave up
Never pulled that plug
But I am so petrified
I don't know what to do
Don't know how the hell
I'm supposed to keep loving you.

Are you even real?
That's the battle. The real battle within.

© copyright 2019-2024 Blind To What's In Store

Blind To What's In Store
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and dreams,sadness
Julia Luber 10 August 2019

Another scorching love poem, wrought with realistic conflicts and questions about attachment and the fear of attachment and desire.

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Julia Luber 14 August 2019

Sometimes we give too much to that which is conflicted like a strange challenge, struggle for our minds or souls- so that we think we will feel some great conquest and victory when it all works out, but usually these challenges build more challenges. The love meant well though!

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Nicole 14 August 2019

Particularly when the relationship was conflicted from the beginning - you never know what your saying or who, but that's at face-value. The deeper part is more about something mystic and unreal which came with this spiritual connection.

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